new one

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Baby Blair has arrived!!

I talked Dr. Watson into letting me get induced on Monday, February 6th. Josh and I drove to the hospital at 5:30am. After filling out the paperwork they started the pitocin around 7am. They checked me and I was a 3 at 7am. Around 10 they checked me and I was a 5. I had the epidural then, which wasn't near as bad as with Blake. At 11:45 she came in and said she would check me at 1, so I told Josh he could go get some food to eat. He left and mom came in. They nurse then decided okay I can check you and said I was a 7/8. Then I started feeling her so the nurse checked me about 1 minute after the last one and said you're a 10 and I can see her head. I then asked if it was blonde or brown. She said brown, so I was excited. They called for the doctor and he took his sweet time arriving around 12:00pm. Blair was born at 12:39pm and was 6 lbs 15 oz and 20 inches long. It was a much more pleasant labor experience than with Blake. I also had a much quicker recovery this time around. I also had asked the doctor numerous times if I could leave the hospital after only staying one night, and he said that was fine since me and Blair were doing so good. She did have a touch of jaundice but I think it is almost gone away now. She is doing good nursing and sleeping for the most part (she doesn't like her bassinet too much).

A special thank you to all of our family that helped us out over the past week. Rachel, thanks so much for keeping Blake on Tuesday and for the meals and the photo shoot. It was perfect, I can't wait to send out the annoucements and get them in picture frames at my house.
Janet & Greg- Thanks so much for letting Blake spend the night and watching him at the hospital. The meals have been awesome too, I haven't ate out in a week (which is unusual for me!)
Mom & Nana-for watching Blake on Monday morning and for the meals and company.

Today we met up with Dean and Abby at Chick Fila for our first real outing. We stayed 3 hours and Blake had a ball playing and I had a good time catching up with friends. I can't wait to hang out with some of my friends during my 12 week leave; ) Next Tuesday is the mall with Blake's favorite playmate Macie.