Blake 3 1/2 years and Blair 8 months. Halloween and other fun days like soccer and Great Wolf Lodge.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Long time gone.
Posted by Josh and Lyndsie at 8:21 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 7, 2012
What could I call this post....hmmm....
Here are just some cute photos of us doing what we do best...posing!! We have started summer and we are having a great one so far. Bubba and Canyon went and picked up our new trampoline from Walmart today. We have been jumping on it for about 2 hours so far. Blake is loving it. I always wanted a trampoline growing up. My cousins had one and I was always loved going on theirs. We went on the boat this weekend. Blake, Jax and Josh went on the hot dog and the inner tube. They also just played in the water with their life jackets on. Blake loved jumping off the dock into the water. He did throw Josh's reef sandal in the water, but luckily it floated. This weekend we are headed to San Antonio to Sea World. Blake loved it last year, so I'm sure he will love it even more this year. I can't wait for my aunt Julie to meet Blair too! She will just love her!
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Posted by Josh and Lyndsie at 6:50 PM 0 comments
Fun in the sun!
Memorial day was a blast this year. We hosted our cousins to a water slide party. Then we went out to Lake Leon to spend some time in the sun with Mom and them. Blake played with Jax on the boat and messed around with the worms. He didn't like them getting him dirty. Summer and Blaine also came down and we celebrated Summer's 26th birthday. Hopefully this time next year I will have a new brother named Blaine in our family!!
Reagan and Sheldon came down for a week in May and we had such a good time playing. Unfortunately, I only have my Iphone camera pictures, but Rachel got some amazing pictures of them swimming, playing in the sandbox and in their matching outfits at the park. I'm so thankful we have a photographer in the family, because her camera skills are much better than mine. Not to mention her camera takes great pictures. I only snap a couple and know that she will get some great shots and send them to me. Blake, Macie, Jackson and Cage played great together. It was like they were long lost best friends. The younger three Blair, Weston and Brandt just chilled with lots of milk in the shade. Hopefully they will be Best Cousins like the older ones!
It is so much fun having 7 cousins within 3 years of eah other. It makes every time we are together a blast. I wish my family had more cousins for Blake and Blair to play with, but oh well. Blake knows Nonnie's house as the fun place with lots of his cousins, so he can sometimes be disappointed if Macie isn't there.
Posted by Josh and Lyndsie at 6:40 PM 0 comments
Happy 3 Month Blair!
Blair at three months can now sit really good in her Bumbo. Her head is very strong the doctor always says. She is babbling lots and smiling and cooing a lot. I love to sit and talk back and forth to her. She has been such an easy and relaxed baby. I guess she has to with her crazy brother always around!
Posted by Josh and Lyndsie at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Some more random pictures, since I haven't updated in a while. Blake in his TCU shirt that he loves (maybe he'll get a full ride, because we can't afford TCU!) is watching the stop lights in the car. He always makes me close my eyes and then he tells me as soon as it turns green. I can't peek, I just have to wait for him. Blake has been adjusting to Blair much better. He likes to give her his toys. (as seen in the picture) The other one is 4 generations at Mother's Day lunch at Babes in Granbury. The men all left and went around the square to the Sports House to browse.
Posted by Josh and Lyndsie at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Just another day in paradise
Kids screaming, phone ringing, dog barking at the mail man bringing my stack of bills overdue, good morning baby how are you. Half hour, quick shower, take a drink of milk but the milk's gone sour.... I always think of this song, but at the end it reminds you "There is no place I would rather be."
My maternity leave of 13 weeks (12 plus Spring Break) was a whole lot of fun. I was able to do something a couple times each week. Many of the days we met up with Macie to play, which is guarenteed to be a good time. We went to the park many times, to the mall, to Great Wolf Lodge, to Chick Fila, Mcdonalds, and just stayed home and played. Blake went to school MWF from 9-3 and then the other days I kept him home with us. That was almost easier than the headache of going and picking him up from school. I had to return to school for the last 17 days. My kids were glad to see me and Blair did great with Mrs. Dianne.
Posted by Josh and Lyndsie at 11:41 AM 0 comments